After two years from its debut in the Indian market, the fifth-gen Honda City has now received a midlife makeover. The Japanese marque has introduced the 2023 Honda City Facelift in the Indian market at a starting price of Rs 11.39 lakh, ex-showroom. Prices now go up to Rs 20.39 lakh for the top-spec trim. As we talk about the cosmetic and mechanical changes, the variant line-up is tweaked as well. The City in its NA petrol guise comes with a new SV trim, which will only be available with a manual gearbox.
Well, the company has now tweaked the 1.5L NA petrol motor to comply with the new RDE emission compliances. Furthermore, the engine is now E20 fuel ready. It belts out a rated power output of 121 PS, while the strong hybrid motor with a peak power output of 126 PS is also retained. Former will come with two transmission choices – 6-speed MT and CVT, while the latter will only come with an eCVT. Talking of the mileage, the NA petrol motor will deliver 17.8 km with the manual gearbox and 18.4 kmpl with the CVT. The City Hybrid, on the other hand, will return 27.13 kmpl. The oil burner remains out of the list this time.
As for variants, there are a total of 4 trims on offer – SV, V, VX, and ZX. Moreover, the entry-spec V trim is also available on the City Hybrid now, which earlier was on sale in the ZX variant only. Moving over to the changes in terms of features, the City now comes with rain-sensing wipers, wireless Android Auto & Apple CarPlay, wireless phone charger, tyre pressure monitoring system, ambient lighting and more. Beside, ADAS tech now moves to the regular trims of the City. Unlike earlier, when it was available on the hybrid version only. It includes lane keeping assist, emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, Low-Speed Follow and more.
The exterior design is overhauled too, but not very high extents. A new honeycomb pattern for the radiator grille is used, along with a new bumper on the front, which comes with a rather sporty appeal. The fog lamp housings are a redesigned affair too. Alongside, there is an addition of a new Obsidian Blue Pearl paint scheme. Over to the side, there are no changes whatsoever. The rear facet now gets a restyled bumper with a sportier lower portion. The cabin layout is unchanged too, and aesthetically, the City is an appealing package on the whole.